President’s Message:
Dear Mid-Missouri Trout Unlimited Members,
Our next chapter meeting will be Tuesday January 7 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Rock Quarry House ( in Rock Quarry Park at 2002 Grindstone Parkway in Columbia.
This month we had the annual holiday party and the annual photo contest. It was a good time as you know if you were there. Congratulations to Curt Morgret on winning the photo contest.
At the end of November there was an online meeting of the Ozark Council of Trout Unlimited and we have elect a completely new slate of officers. Interestingly every officer is from a different Ozark Council chapter including the at-large chapter. Bill Lamberson is the new council chairperson.
MMTU will host the 2025 Fly Fishing Film Festival on January 18 at 10 AM at the Ragtag Cinema, 10 Hitt Street, Columbia, MO. The 2025 Conservation Banquet will be February 28, 2025 starting at 5:30 PM at the Stoney Creek Inn, 2601 S Providence Rd, Columbia, MO. A link to purchase tickets for the banquet is now available on line at our website ( A link for tickets for the film festival will also be on our website soon. Film Festival tickets will also be on sale at the Ragtag on the day of the event. More information about these events will be found elsewhere in this newsletter.
This months meeting will be a show and tell for us all. Please bring your favorite fly tying vise and be prepared to explain why you like it. Perhaps bring a fly or flies that would be more difficult to tie on other vises. (You could also bring a vise you hate to show folks what not to waste there money on.)
Hope to see you the next meeting and our upcoming chapter events.
Doug Grove
December MMTU Minutes:
The Mid-Missouri Chapter of Trout Unlimited met on December 3 at Rock Quarry House. Seventeen members and guests attended for the annual potluck and photo contest. After a social hour and dinner (contributed items were exceptional this year!), the meeting was called to order at 7:15 by President Doug Grove. Â
Items of discussion during the business meeting included:
President Grove reported on the recent reorganization of the Ozark Council with Bill Lamberson elected Chair. Jeff Holzem was elected to serve as a voting representative of MMTU along with President Grove. A Council meeting is planned in conjunction with the January 18th Film Fest.
Curt Morgret reported on the upcoming banquet scheduled for February 28. Tickets will be on sale soon.
Bill Lamberson reported on the upcoming IF4 scheduled for January 18 at RagTag at 10:00 am. Sponsors for the event are Mike Kruse (Missouri Trout Guide), Walt’s Bike Shop, the Alpine Shop (tentative), the Figg Family (tentative) and Lamberson Bamboo Fly Rods.Â
Curt Morgret reported on planned the May 15-18 trip to Minnesota with camping at Maple Springs Campground near Preston.
Eight photos were entered in the annual photo contest. Curt Morgret took first place with a photo of a brown trout from the chapter trip to Iowa.
President Grove adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Lamberson
Water Quality Monitoring Training:Â
The Level 2 training includes short educational videos and a macroinvertebrate quiz to complete at-your-pace prior to the classroom portion. In the classroom, water samples will be analyzed by monitors using their program-issued equipment.Â
PREREQUISITES TO ATTEND LEVEL 2:Completion of VWQM Level 1 and submission of two seasons of data including biological, water chemistry, visual survey, and stream discharge.Â
The class will be offered February 22 in Jefferson city and here is the registration link Events | Missouri Dep of Conservation. The passcode is A237
A win for TU and trout:
On Dec 10th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Legislation, which is expected to be signed into law by President Biden.The impacts of abandoned mine drainage are staggering, with 40% of headwaters in the West and 22,000 miles of native trout and salmon streams impacted. This legislation marks a historic moment in changing that, allowing organizations like @TroutUnlimited-that had nothing to do with the creation of pollution caused by abandoned mines-to clean up these sites, making our rivers and streams cleaner for the fish, wildlife and communities that depend on them.  Read more here:
Protecting trout from climate change:
Here is a new documentary that just launched about climate change by Protect Our Winters. Maggie Huemann from TU Volunteer Operations has an interview clip around the 10-minute mark. Protect Our Glaciers: POW Film 'DOWNSTREAM' Examines Surging Impacts of Melting IceÂ
Remove the Snake River Dams: It’s actually past time to breach the dams on the Snake. Spring and summer populations of Chinook salmon require it for survival.
With a national monument designation in California, the Fall River's sole source could be permanently protected.
2 Colorado companies help fund TU's longest-running grassroots habitat restoration program, Embrace A Stream
Help make fishing better:
Permanent protection for SáttÃtla/Medicine Lake Highlands. California’s Medicine Lake Highlands are a unique area of public lands that serves as a vast natural water reservoir and the sole source of the Fall River and its famous trout fishery.
This is a 23 minute video:
You do not need to sign in if you click the Youtube arrow. John will be pleased to know they catch a big Coho on an egg sucking leech. Â

For Sale
Established and successful fly fishing guide service for the past 19 years
If you are interested in an outdoor business or picking up a fun post-retirement job this is a rewarding opportunity.
Client database-highly rated Website-Guidance for Federal Permits-Gear
Contact information below- only serious inquiries please.
Sam Potter
TightLine Fly Fishing LLC.
PH 573-465-3556
Jeff Holzem
MMTU Newsletter EditorÂ
MMTU Advocacy Coordinators
Ozark Council Climate Change Coordinator
NLC Climate Change Workgroup Co-Chair
Past President
John Wenzlick
Bill Lamberson
Ty Figg
Financial Reviewer
Curt Morgret
At Large Board Members
Lynn Kleopfer, Eric Cunningham
Banquet Chairs
Curt Morgret
Alternative Funding Committee
Chalen Jackson
Education Director
John Wenzlick
Stream Team
John Wenzlick
Curt Morgret
Bill Lamberson
Sam Potter
Jeff Holzem
Web Master
Ty Figg
Facebook editor
Ben Moore
Event Planning
Doug Grove
Jeff Holzem