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Mid Missouri Trout Unlimited December 2021 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Travis FiggTravis Figg

President’s Message:

Dear MMTU members, I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season. We had our biannual election at the Christmas meeting. I thank all of you that have served previously and those of you that have agreed to take on new positions or to continue in the positions you held in the last term. These are the new (and continuing) office holders at MMTU.

President- Doug Grove

Vice President - Travis Figg

Secretary-Nathan "Shags" McLoed

Treasurer-Brandon Butler

Past President -John Wenzlick

Banquet Chairs- Bill Lamberson and Curt Morgret

Education-John Wenzlick

Membership-Curt Morgret

Conservancy-Bill Lamberson and Sam Potter

E-Newsletter-Jeff Holzem

Web Master-Travis Figg

Facebook Editor-Ben Moore

For the January 4, 2022 meeting we will meet at the downtown Shakespeare Pizza, the meeting will start at 6 pm with our usual social hour which will be followed by the monthly business meeting. Following the business meeting we will have a presentation by Kent Campbell on photography. Kent is a very skilled photographer many of you will have seen some of his recent work in the images on the cards distributed the Conservation Foundation of Missouri this year.

I would like those that are attending the meeting to let me know ahead of time what kind of pizza you like and how many slices you think you will eat so we can have them ready for you. You can find the menu at The meeting room is paid for by purchasing a minimum order so if you order on you own please let them know you are with MMTU.

Finally thank you for this opportunity to serve MMTU as your president. Please share your thoughts with me on how we can achieve our goal “To bring together diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon.”

Doug Grove


MMTU Christmas Party by John Wenzlick

There was a good turnout (about 20 members and spouses) for the Christmas Party at the Rock Quarry House. There was plenty of good food and beverages consumed by all. The highlight of the night was the Annual Photo contest. Out of 18 admissions (plus a couple I screwed up on getting in the presentation) we came up with three great winners and one grand prize winner.

1st place was Ben Moore with a picture of his wife and new baby next to a stream. (I told him baby pictures was cheating but we gave him the $50 anyway.)

2nd place was fishing the Pere Marquette taken by me (John Wenzlick) this summer of Jeff Holzem.

3rd place was an Old Fishing Boat by John Meyer

Check out the winning photos here


Conservation Appeal

As a member of the national Climate Change Workgroup, I get an opportunity to meet monthly with TU's lead scientist, Helen Neville, and many others who do tremendous work to make sure we have trout and salmon well into the future. I am humbled by the members wealth of experience and knowledge. We read about of their stream recovery and preservation projects in the Trout Magazine. For example, TU scientists use DNA to determine which species are in certain bodies of water. The also use satellite images to monitor vegetation growth along streams.

Check out the climate change workgroup page and scroll down to the video on Climate Change and Trout. It shows how streams are impacted by the changing climate, what TU is doing about it and how we can help.

Stay safe and share your stories and pictures for the newsletter, web site and Facebook page. Hope you enjoy the holidays!

Jeff Holzem

Newsletter Editor

Council Climate Change Coordinator

NLC Climate Change Workgroup Co-chair


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