President’s Message:
Dear MMTU Members,
The June chapter meeting will be our annual Hot Dog Burn. We will meet at the Collins Shelter at Stephens Lake Park. This will be a pot luck dinner so bring something to eat and share. There will be hot dogs, sausage and rolls for them. Here is a link to the shelters web page, there is a map on the web page: . Please join us for a fun time. Spouses or other friends are welcome and some usually come. This will be our last chapter meeting until September. There is a fire pit at the shelter if someone is ambitious, wants a fire and is not afraid of the late spring heat. You will need to bring wood, from a local source of course.
The clean up at Mill Creek was postponed due to muddy high water making such a clean up unsafe and difficult to do well in any case. The event will be rescheduled for the fall.
From June 9 to June 12 MMTU is going on a road trip to the Wisconsin Driftless Area thanks to the efforts of Curt Morgret. If you know you are going please let Curt know because we will need a head count. At last count we had 14 people who intend to go.
So far I have had the following recommendations for flies for the trip, caddis imitations, crane fly imitations, Hippie Stompers (can’t say I like the name), and Prince Nymphs. Tie or buy them and fish them at your own risk. I am definitely not the best resource on this sort of thing.; but, I think I have some good sources. Don’t forget bug repellent.
Hope to see you on June 6 at the Chapter Meeting, the fishing trip, next fall or on a stream somewhere.
Doug Grove
Wisconsin Tree Planting
Trout Unlimited is working with the U.S. Forest Service to develop resources to help TU characterize the carbon sequestration and broader benefits of tree plantings. As part of this effort, every TU chapter is asked provide information on their tree planting activities. Ty and Travis Figg planted trees along a stream on the Figg property near Liberty Pole, Wisconsin. Duke Welter, former leader of the TU Driftless Area Restoration Effort surveyed the area and provided advice in advance of the planting.
Travis and Ty traveled to Wisconsin on May 5th, picked up bare root trees, red oak, white pine and river birch. On May 6th, they planted 43 over a 125 yard stretch of the stream bank during the following weekend. MMTU members Jim Washabaugh and Bill Lamberson provided tools and sage advice. Investment in trees and materials was approximately $400.
One of the challenges of tree planting projects is balancing investment in quantity versus quality of planting. Travis and Ty chose to plant fewer trees, but cleared grass where each tree was to be planted to reduce competition, and then individually fenced each tree to reduce the likelihood of damage from deer and beavers (see photo), thus giving each tree a high chance for survival. Additional trees are available for future plantings, and members participating in the Wisconsin outing in June are invited to spend a few hours one day to assist.
TU Climate Change Workgroup
Some of you may know I am a co-chair of the NLC climate change workgroup, CCWG. Jeff Witten previously chaired the group. A goal was to raise awareness among our members of how climate change impacts coldwater fisheries. At least 80% of TU members are concerned about climate change, so the group accomplished that goal. We recognized that stream improvements, such as planting trees and removing barriers help trout adapt to worsening conditions caused by climate change.
TU was founded on that premise in 1959 and still focuses on adaption. However, we also realized that will not be enough to save trout and salmon. TU’s mission statement says that requires a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It is very important that we make our voices heard soon. Please use this link to urge the president and congress to support climate action.
Let me know if you want to find out more of what we are doing or how you can help more.
Jeff Holzem
Council Climate Change Coordinator
Climate Change Workgroup co-chair
Chapter officers: